Up Your Twitter Game 🔥
And it's all thanks to gif your game's mobile app. You can share to your favorite social networks like twitter, instagram and reddit straight from the app.
Autogif Magic
Capture key events in your game without pressing a single button. Set to Double Kills and up for League of Legends and every time you get a Double, Triple, Quadra or Penta (unlikely) kill you'll get the clip automatically.
Zero Impact Clipping
The only recording tool on earth to offer cloud based game recording. Zero performance impact and everything is rendered on our high end gaming hardware. No editing, perfect quality clips every time with a single press.
The only app in the world that can do this 👇
Cinematic editing of your Rocket League goals with the press of a button - you can even do it on your phone. Zero editing required. Our algorithms adjust to capture the clip perfectly. Just look for the popcorn 🍿 button. Coming soon to League of Legends and CS:GO.
Don't have the Desktop app?
What are you waiting for? It's free. Our performance can't be matched. One click is all it takes. Let's do this.